ClickCease Remote Digital Tachograph Download Devices & Software

Safety, Health & Compliance

Tachograph Management

Having a digital tachograph makes life easier for managers and drivers alike, by removing the administration and hassle of manually collected tacho data

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Working With Industry Leaders

Digital Tachograph Download

The module enables remote tacho download and the secure collection of information on a regular basis, regardless of vehicle location, providing data that can be sent straight to your tachograph analysis provider.

Reduce Administration Overhead

Organising a download of your digital tachograph no longer needs to be a logistical challenge with data sent securely over the mobile network.

Streamline Compliance

Rest easy in the knowledge that digital tachograph download will be completed without fail and in full compliance with DVSA regulations.

Reduce Vehicle Downtime

Enable your vehicles to be away from base for longer, earning revenue for the business, rather than stopping in for manual tachograph downloads.

Remote Digital Tachograph Download

Remote Digital Tachograph Download makes life easier for both managers and drivers, by removing the need to manually collect information as relevant data is automatically downloaded at pre-determined intervals.


TruAnalysis makes tachograph management and compliance reporting more efficient and more accurate. DVSA Earned Recognition approved, TruAnalysis from TruTac supports the Working Time Directive across both the UK and the EU.

Remaining Driving Time

Feed driver hours information directly into the Microlise system to track a driver’s remaining hours, and support better decision-making around whether or not additional work can be carried out compliantly.

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Discover more about how Microlise solutions empower fleet operators to reduce costs, improve safety, efficiency and compliance, and support stronger driver performance and customer experience